În luna august, Centrul OncoGen a găzduit și instruit trei studenți la medicină prin programul de schimb de experiență SCORE organizat de Federația Internațională a Asociațiilor Studenților în Medicină (IFMSA).
SCORE este un program de schimb de experiență prin care, anual, peste 15000 de studenți de la medicină din 130 de țări de pe glob au oportunitatea de a lua parte și a contribuii la activitatea unui institut din domeniul medical.
În cadrul centrului de cercetare OncoGen, studenții străini veniți în schimb de experiență au luat parte la activități de cercetre în cadrului proiectului INSPIRED, efectuând experimente ce țin de domeniul imunologiei. Studenții care au participat la schimbul de experiență au venit de la universități internaționale, mai exact Ming-Yi Tsai de la Universitatea de Medicină din Taipei (Taiwan), Jakub Michalak de la Universitatea din Opole (Polonia), Teodor Sefcovic de la Universitatea Masaryk din Brno (Cehia). Studenții au fost foarte interesați să colaboreze la proiectele de cercetare propuse de noi, foarte dornici să lucreze în laboratorul nostru și curioși să învețe metodele și tehnicile de biologie moleculară folosite în cercetarea alergologică. Ei au participat la producerea și testarea alergenelor recombinante, utilizați pentru a evalua alergenitatea alergenelor din polenul de ambrozia și eficacitatea imunoterapiilor specifice polenului de ambrozia. Am fost încântați că i-am putut îndruma în domeniul cercetării alergologice, așa cum se desfășoară în prezent la centrul OncoGen.
Studenți care au efectuat un stagiu de schimb de experiență în cadrul centrului de cercetare OncoGen:
- Ming-Yi Tsai, Universitatea de Medicină din Taipei, Taiwan;
- Jakub Michalak, Universitatea din Opole, Poland;
- Teodor Sefcovic, Universitatea Masaryk din Brno, Czech Republic;
- Marina-Claudia-Cătălina Miron, Informatică Aplicată, Universitatea de Vest Timișoara, România;
- Raul- Mihai Rădulescu, Inteligență Artificială, Universitatea de Vest Timișoara, România;
- Biro Barna, Facultatea de Medicină și Farmacie Oradea, România.
Iată impresiile acestora după ce au luat parte la activitatea științifice din cadrul laboratoarelor noastre:
Ming-Yi Tsai from Taipei Medical University (Taiwan)
My name is Ming-Yi Tsai. I’m a fourth year medical student of Taipei Medical University, Taiwan. I am an exchange student of the IFMSA SCORE program. It is my privilege to be part of the research team of OncoGen Center Timisoara, Romania. In this month, I gained such a fruitful and unforgettable experience in immunology research.
I worked on the project “The Impact Ragweed Pollen and Dust-Mite Allergens Have on the Respiratory Mucosa.” I had a deeper understanding of ragweed, immune mechanism as well as immunotherapy. I had the opportunity to join the process from experiment design to data analysis. I also helped on other projects, which sharpened both my experimental and critical thinking skills.
I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to my tutors, Dr. Bunu, Roxana, Lauriana, Manuela, and OncoGen Center. Thank you for always explaining everything patiently, always encouraging me to ask questions, and let me do something under your kind supervision. Moreover, thanks Dr. Bunu for giving me the opportunity to observe in Profilaxis clinic, so that I could combine the theoretical with clinical parts together in immunology.
I do enjoy the time learning and doing research here. What I’ve learned, what I’ve experienced here inspires me a lot and helps with my future medical career! Thanks for everything here in the OncoGen Center!
Ming-Yi Tsai
Jakub Michalak from University of Opole (Poland)
Buna dimineața, salut!
My name is Jakub, I’m studying medicine in Opole, Poland. In august I had an opportunity to be a part of the OncoGen research team in the allergology department.
These few weeks have been wonderful and very motivating! We were treated like a family – we have experienced the research process together, from the experiment planning phase to analyzing the results. We helped in other projects but we also tried to do some work ourselves under supervision.
The laboratory is very well equipped and the researchers are very professional in everything they do – they are excellent in teaching and I feel very motivated to pursue this kind of career in the future thanks to them!
We are very grateful for the opportunity to discover the scientific process in the beautiful city of Timișoara. I’m looking forward to visiting Romania again in the future!
Mulțumesc, ciao!
Teodor Sefcovic from Masaryk University of Brno (Czech Republic)
My name is Teodor Sefcovic and I am currently in my fifth year of medical school at Masaryk University of Brno, Czech Republic. As an IFMSA student I was applying for Timisoara because I really liked the idea of project The Impact Ragweed Pollen and Dust-mite Allergens Have on the Respiratory Mucosa because in Romania, ragweed is one of the most important allergen sources with a strong impact on human health. I had some academic background to become competent contributor for the research team in OncoGen center. This center for research is far and near the most modern one I have seen. Moreover, assisting in this research in the medical domain of Immunology and Allergology will directly complement my career as I might pursue a M.D. in this field in the future.
My laboratory skills were improving daily because my tutors were really helpful to show me as much as they could. Under supervision I had a chance to work with E.coli, we also worked with the RBL cell line, we were preparing growth media, we did a cell counting, we were adjusting the parameters (pH), our daily routine was using ultracentrifuge and interpretation of data and so on. I had a chance to attend a clinical part in an Allergology clinic, where I could see patients allergic to Ragweed and I could connect the laboratory work and the clinical part of the medicine.
In conclusion, I would like to say huge thanks to my tutors and to OncoGen center, that I could be a part of the team for this month. I am sure i learned a lot of knowledge which will help me to be a better professional in my future career.
Teodor Sefcovic