// Project
The MOUNTADAPT project
HORIZON-MISS-2023-CLIMA-01 (Demonstrating climate change resilience solutions in support of the implementation of the Climate Change Adaptation Mission)
Thematic area
Action type
HORIZON-IA (HORIZON Innovation Actions)
Project budget
EUR 5,851,011.88
Duration of the project
36 months
Project summary
In the MOUNTADAPT project, differently regional and local authorities as well as community institutions will design, develop and test eleven state-of-the-art climate adaptation solutions in the mountain biogeographical regions of Austria, Slovenia, France and Romania. Also, various organizations from the health system will collaborate during the project to demonstrate that the solutions can be reproduced in a variety of areas: in the mountainous areas of Romania, in the Pyrenees of Andorra and not only, in the continental area of Germany.
MOUNTADAPT will develop robust models to understand better the impact of climate change on health. The project will cover the entire chain of response to a climate-induced health emergency with the help monitoring tools which will be directly related to short-term forecasts to communicate WARNINGS relevant stakeholders. a emergency management tool will ultimately support health systems for optimal staffing during times of crisis. It will be supported by counseling in order to change the health system and at the authorities level, through training courses for health professionals and awareness campaigns for citizens. Finally, MOUNTADAPT will provide a comprehensive guide to the implementation of its adaptation solutions, stimulating their replication in new territories, and provide feedback to the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority.
OncoGen Center of Pius Brinzeu Timișoara Emergency County Clinical Hospital (SCJUT) is involved in various activities throughout the duration of the project. The OncoGen-SCJUT team consists of 5 researchers and is led by Prof. Dr. Carmen Panaitescu, which coordinates WP4, Upscaling and Replication. The aim of the activities in WP 4 is (i) to support all replicating sites with practical transfer concepts and guidelines to facilitate and accelerate future replication of the solutions at their site and (ii) to ensure that the solutions are brought closer to the market, widely transferable and can be integrated and extended.
Moreover, the OncoGen-SCJUT team will also perform a assessment of sensitization patterns to aeroallergens in our region, based on both retrospective data acquired over the past 17 years and new data obtained by the first Romanian network of sensors dedicated to monitoring aeroallergens. The results will contribute to in-depth investigation of the link between climate change and non-communicable diseases carried out under WP1.