OncoGen Young Researchers return with awards from jRoMedINF conference

Text added after the UVT post to this one link.
The Western University of Timisoara is pleased to announce the organization and hosting of the Inaugural RoMedINF Junior Conference, on May 13-14, 2024, together with the Romanian Society of Medical Informatics (SRIM) and in collaboration with the "Victor Babeș" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timișoara and the Polytechnic University of Timisoara.
This conference is addressed to young researchers (students, masters and PhD students) and is held in a hybrid format at the headquarters of the Institute of Advanced Environmental Research (ICAM) of the West University of Timișoara. The event is part of the Luna Verde developer program at UVT, highlighting the conference's focus on innovation within health ecosystems.
"The Western University of Timișoara firmly supports the training of the next generation of leaders in the field of digital health. By hosting the RoMedINF Junior Conference, we want to provide a platform for undergraduate, master's and doctoral students to present their ideas and research on the topic of Digital Ecosystems in Health: Hypotheses, Methods and Applications" - states lect. university Dr. Sebastian Ștefănigă, Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.
The event coherently aligns with the commitment of the Western University of Timișoara to stimulate innovation. Students working in the field of medical informatics, medical IT, digital health, medical statistics and data analysis are encouraged to present their final research papers, progress of ongoing research or innovative ideas in the field of digital health.
The RoMedINF Junior Conference provides a favorable and attractive environment for students, giving them opportunities and a consolidated framework to present their research to a wider audience, to interact with colleagues and teaching staff from different institutions, to receive and provide feedback constructively, to interact with experts from different fields and to network with experts or colleagues from related fields.
The Western University of Timișoara, together with SRIM and partner institutions, looks forward to welcoming future researchers in the field of medical informatics and digital health and to stimulate valuable discussions and collaborations during the first RoMedINF Junior Conference.
In this conference, members of the OncoGen Young Researchers organization from the OncoGen Center also participated, Raul Rădulescu with the presentation "Personalized Rehabilitation Programmes: Tailoring Recovery Through Artificial Intelligence", Alexadra Almășan with the presentation "Computational Study of the Effects of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Human Health and the Environment" and Claudiu Spiescu and Bogdan Barbu with their presentation about the Aidlink application.

Claudiu and Bogdan were the winners of the INNOVATIVE ENTREPRENEURSHIP award for the presentation of the application.

The application was created with the support of Dr. Corina Vernic, Bioinformatics coordinator of the OncoGen Association.

Raul Rădulescu presented his concept for a personalized rehabilitation application assisted by artificial intelligence; author Raul RĂDULESCU.

Alexandra Almașan presented about the article in relation to the effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on human health and the environment; authors: Alexandra-Loredana ALMĂŞAN, Corina VERNIC, Speranţa AVRAM.