News and events

Press Release – Asthmathon 2022

The Center for Gene and Cell Therapies in Cancer Treatment - OncoGen, the OncoGen Association and partners are organizing, on May 14-15, at the OncoGen Timișoara headquarters, a unique event: the first edition of the Asthmathon, under the auspices of the Romanian Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology ( SRAIC).

Asthmathon by OncoGen is an innovative concept, addressed to young people (high school students and students), which aims to capitalize on their creative potential in order to identify ingenious solutions, aimed at improving through various means (technical, scientific, social, etc.) the quality the life of the allergic/asthmatic patient and contribute to increasing the degree of information and awareness of the general public regarding the causes and implications of allergic asthma. 

The Asthmathon will start on Saturday (May 14) at 12.00 and will last for 30 hours. 

Prof. Univ. will speak at the opening of the event. Dr. Virgil Păunescu, OncoGen coordinator and vice-president of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Prof. Univ. Dr. Carmen Bunu, president of the Romanian Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (SRAIC), Radu Ticiu, founder of BioCoderDojo and project coordinator of the One Source Association, Sergiu Micorici, president of Young Researchers from the OncoGen Association.

At the marathon organized by OncoGen, more than 30 young people, pupils and students at high schools and universities from Timisoara signed up, whose ideas and proposals will be judged and will be rewarded with prizes at the end of the competition.

They will honor with their presence and send messages of support to the young participants representatives of local and county public authorities, parliamentarians, representatives of the management of the "Pius Brânzeu" Timișoara County Emergency Clinical Hospital, Timișoara universities and the local business environment.  

In this way, we would like to thank the OncoGen Association and the main sponsor - Top Diagnostics SRL and the partners: Timiș County School Inspectorate, Faculty of Agriculture within USAMVB Timișoara, One Source Association, BioCoderDojo Timișoara, Bio Mentor Hub and the Association of ENT Doctors from Banat, who have generously, dedicatedly and involved supported this effort to highlight the energy, creativity and daring and innovative spirit characteristic of the young generation. 

"We are delighted to be able to host such a marathon of creativity and innovation here at OncoGen. It's a message of support and encouragement that we also seek to pass on to young people. Our message is that it's important to believe in yourself, to dare and to fight for your beliefs and ideas. This is what we do here at the OncoGen Centre and what we will continue to do from now on. The younger generation must be educated and encouraged to believe in their own potential, and their fresh ideas, their work and their boldness must be supported, because only from a vertical, capable and confident generation can we achieve remarkable results. This is the message that OncoGen wants to convey through the organization of this creative marathon and this is the spirit we intend to support in the most concrete way possible, not just through declarations of intent", said, referring to the objectives of Asthmathon by OncoGen, Prof. Univ. Dr. Virgil Păunescu, coordinator of the OncoGen Centre for Gene and Cellular Therapies in Cancer Treatment.

Prof. Univ. Dr. Virgil Păunescu

Prof. Univ. Dr. Virgil Paunescu

OncoGen Coordinator

Sergiu Micorici

Sergiu Micorici

President Young Researchers - OncoGen Association

Contact person from the organizers:
Goal.: 0771/458 701